Our Vision
Queer athletes have often been excluded from sport whether implicitly or explicitly — it’s time this came to an end. We aim to foster a community of cyclists that encourages participation of people from marginalized groups, particularly the gender diverse community. This is not about training and competing at the highest possible level. It is about creating a space that is about having fun and connecting with community.
The people behind They Cycle
Ry learned to write about themself in the third person working in communications for Cycle Toronto. In their time with the not-for-profit organization they dedicated themself to making government processes and language easier to understand, growing cycling education, and transforming the culture of cycling — sometimes this worked.
Ry has played sports competitively since playing t-ball as a young child. They got into racing when they learned that the track team didn’t make cuts. They kept racing because their coach was an incredibly nice person and very supportive in spite of how slow they were. In that process, Ry learned to love racing because they could focus on their own goals and didn’t need to worry about beating anyone — their only competition was themself.
Ry didn’t fall in love with cycling until later in life, but that love is what they want to share with the world. It’s a long and complicated story, and their mental health machine has taken them many wonderful places.